Baby Bargains Book
Wouldn’t it be cool to have the reviews and recommendations on this site nicely bundled into a paperback book?
Good news: BabyBargains.com is available in print book form! That’s right—no screen, internet or batteries required. If you are registering with a bricks and mortar baby store, the Baby Bargains book provides a quick, easy to search reference to our recommendations and ratings.
Sure, it’s old school—but sometimes old school beats new school. Like when you are on a four-hour plane ride with no internet connection and want to read up on strollers, car seats or other gear items.
So let’s take a look at the book in detail and see if it works for you.
Percentage of 4- and 5-star reviews on Amazon
Number of baby gear recommendations in Baby Bargains
MILLIONS of copies of Baby Bargains in print
More details on Baby Bargains
1. Baby Bargains Overview
America’s best-selling and best-loved guide to baby gear is back with an updated and revised edition!
Yes, a baby book that actually answers the big question about having a baby: How am I going to afford all this?
With the average cost of a baby topping $7400 for just the first year alone, new parents need creative solutions and innovative ideas to navigate the consumer maze that confronts all parents-to-be. Baby Bargains is the answer!
Inside, you’ll discover:
• BEST BET PICKS for cribs, car seats, strollers, high chairs, diapers and more!
• CHEAT SHEETS for your baby registry—create a baby registry in minutes with our good, better, best ideas.
• SEVEN THINGS no one tells you about baby gear, from nursery furniture to feeding baby.
• THE TRUTH ABOUT STROLLERS—and which brands work best in the real world.
• Dozens of SAFETY TIPS to keep baby safe and affordably baby proof your home.
• DETAILED CHARTS that compare brands of cribs, high chairs, car seats and more.
This new edition adds the latest tips and advice on getting bargains on baby gear, including:
• Streamlined recommendations by parenting lifestyle, from a crib for space-challenged urban parents to an affordable car seat for Grandma’s car.
• New recommendations for baby feeding, from baby food processors to storage ideas for home-made baby food.
• BUDGET-FRIENDLY picks for dozens of items, from high chairs to infant car seats.
• Expanded coverage of the price war on diapers—who’s got the best deals now?
2. Baby Bargains Table of Contents
Click here for PDF with a chapter by chapter look at the contents of Baby Bargains.
3. What’s the latest version?
Click here to see what is the latest edition of Baby Bargains!
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