Bon Jovi is giving the stroller biz a try, bring the number of prams endorsed by
80’s rocks stars up to . . . one.

In a
sure sign that the celebrity baby thing is probably jumping the shark, Bon Jovi
and the other guy from his band no one knows has rolled out the cleverly named
Rock Star Baby Stroller.

Wow, for $500
you get a re-badged i’coo Infiinity stroller with bassinet. Yes, you can buy the
same stroller for $200 less from BRU online sans bassinet, but hey—you do get
a fancy Bon Jovi logo thingy on the front of the Rock Star. Basically, it is a
Bugaboo knock-off without the

What’s puzzling about this
stroller is that i’coo (made by German company Hauck) washed out in a bid to
launch in the US in 2004. While i’coo’s strollers featured some bright fashion,
the heavy weights (most are 30+ pounds) and high prices ($400 to $600) turned
off most retailers and parents. Apparently, no one told the Bon Jovi folks
about i’coo’s aborted launch, as the Rock Star stroller rolled out in early 06.

So, let your best Bon Jovi song puns rip
in the comments for this blog entry—the best quip wins some swag from the BABY
BARGAINS prize closet!