An email today form a reader in North
Carolina—pointing out that relying on a web site photo or catalog picture to
pick a color for a glider rocker is risky. Be sure to see an actual wood sample
if you are trying to match a glider rocker to your

“Hi Denise and

My husband and I are expecting our
first baby in December and bought your book on recommendation from a friend.
It’s been a great resource for us as we stock the nursery!

Just wanted to write in with a comment
about We priced Dutalier glider rockers in stores and online
and found this Web site to be the best price (plus it had free shipping). We
ordered a darker color wood to match the rest of our nursery furniture, but when
the glider arrived it was much, much lighter than depicted online (as in,
natural versus walnut color). We went to Babies-R-Us to look at their Dutalier
catalog to make sure that we had ordered the right color, and indeed, we would
have chosen the same color had we reviewed the paper catalog before our
purchase. Long story short — said they couldn’t do anything
for us and pointed us to a disclaimer on their Web site that says due to
computer resolution and screen differences, they aren’t responsible for
variations in color. We understand this, but feel that their wood color
swatches are so far off, it would be easy for anyone to order the wrong color.
Now we are going to have to sand and stain the rocker to get it to match our
other furniture (which, Dutalier tells us, voids their warranty).

I just thought you might want to warn
your readers that the colors depicted online are, in some cases, drastically
different than what you actually receive. My advice would be — before
ordering, new moms and dads should contact Dutalier in Canada to ensure they
pick the right wood color.

Thank you for
your time and the great book.”


Raleigh, NC