If you have "buy baby safety gates" on your to do list, here's a quick tip: buy them before Dec 31.

Why? On Jan 1, one of the largest gate makers, Kidco, will enforce a new minimum advertised policy (MAP) on internet discounters. Basically, 'net discounters will be forced to sell Kidco gates at a certain minimum price. Given how heavily discounted Kidco gates are online, prices for Kidco gates will rise sharply Jan 1.
Example: the Kidco Hearth gate has a suggested retail of $220. Right now, you can find it online at such sites as BabyCatalog.com for just $157. Come Jan 1, that price must rise $28 to a minimum advertised price of $185—a nearly 20% increase. All web discounters will have to raise prices Jan 1 or risk being cut off by Kidco.
MAP policies are controversial, as discounters like Costco and eBay are fighting to overturn a recent Supreme Court ruling declaring them legal. Discounters are hoping the new Congress will outlaw them, much to the chagrin of manufacturers. Baby product makers with MAP pricing include Britax, Peg Perego and Medela. The Wall Street Journal recently covered the controversy in an article yesterday.